Tuesday, May 22, 2012


So, off I went to visit my daughter for a week.  I don't go there very often because she and her brood affect me negatively - calorie-wise, but I missed them all terribly and figured, wrongly, that I wouldn't do anything stupid in just 5 days.

No. 2 grandson has a lofty position in a classy seafood restaurant, so we went there for dinner the first night I arrived.  The food was fabulous - as was the two glasses of wine I consumed.  Please understand that I no longer indulge in my favorite pastime of a glass or two of wine each evening at 5 PM.  It had actually been over 4 months since I had anything stronger than green tea, but this was an occasion!

The trouble with wine is not the alcohol, it is what the alcohol makes me do.  No, I don't tear off my clothes and dance with abandon around the room, but I make very poor choices food-wise.  But, as I said, this was a special occasion and I knew that tomorrow I would return to my close-to-vegetarian ways and be redeemed.  I even brought much of my food with me to daughter's house to be sure that I would follow the path to health.  

This really worked for the next two days, then friends came to visit and it would have been unsociable to not have a drink with them - or two.  That's really all I had, but it was enough to lead to an orgy of pretzels, pizza and three really tasty chocolate donut holes.  

To make a long story short (I know, too late) in 5 short days I managed to pack on two pounds.  I also did not sleep well and had heartburn.  I sincerely hope I learned my lesson and will, in the future, be able to resist that second glass of wine.  I'm back home again and back on the stay-skinny wagon, never to fall off again (you read it here).